Partner Information

  • Partner Short Name: ISS
  • Country: Italy
  • Website:

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS - Italian National Institute of Health) is the main biomedical and public health research institute in Italy with administrative and organizational autonomy and the leading technical and scientific body of the National Health Service. Its mission is to promote public health at national and international level, by means of research, surveillance, prevention, training and communication activities, aimed also at disseminating evidence-based knowledge to policy makers, health professionals and citizens.

The Department of Cardiovascular, Endocrine-Metabolic Diseases and Aging is focused on the promotion of healthy conditions and wellbeing in a life-course perspective, through the study of risk factors and prevention strategies for the major chronic conditions – including cardiovascular, endocrine-metabolic, and immune-mediated diseases – and for age-associated disorders and functional impairment. Researchers in the Department were involved in relevant international projects in the field of aging and chronic diseases, including the Joint Action on Chronic Diseases (CHRODIS and CHRODIS+, funded by the Health Programme of the EU) and the Joint Action on Frailty (ADVANTAGE, funded by the Health Programme of the EU). The experience developed in these areas will support the activities related to the development of the study platform and the definition of the intervention in the AFFIRMO project.

The team of ISS involved in AFFIRMO is composed by MD, biomedical engineering computer scientist and project managers. The ISS team has a relevant expertise in management and analyses of data aimed at identifying prevalence, treatment and outcomes of chronic conditions (mainly cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric conditions). The team manages administrative data (including discharge diagnoses, medication use, death registries) from Umbria Region (around 800,000 persons) that will be used to identify clusters of multimorbidity, and medication use in the AFFIRMO project.

Key persons